Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Summary of the remainder of the semester

Today's class was cancelled as there was no power in the building.

Next class is a work session. Status check on where the exhibition committees are at. Discuss artist statement in particular. Your color film is due. I will take it to Troy, MI for processing. Hope to have it back by Tuesday's class.

Tuesday, Dec. 6 we will be going over to the museum to see some prints by some incredible photographers including Duan Michaels, Man Ray, Ansel Adams, etc. Please arrive by 8:45. That will conclude by 10:30. We will do a demo on scanning LF film if I haven't done so on Tuesday.

Thursday, Dec. 8th will be our final critique. All selections for the Millenials exhibit must be made. Your framed prints for the Tis' the Secor exhibit are due.

Wednesday, December 14th. 8:00-10:00. This is our scheduled final exam day. On this day, I need your two framed prints for the Millenials exhibit. In addition, I need a digital copy of your color image and the two images for the exhibit. They should be sized to 2000 pixels at the longest dimension.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Shutters and shutter/lens repair

SK Grimes - a big name is large format lens repair and customization. I have had two lenses repaired there. I am very happy with the service.

Flutot's - another lens/shutter repair place with a good reputation. I haven't used them personally.

Information on shutters in general.

FLASH! Savior of the Universe! King of the Impossible!

Flash, Flash, I love you!

The Strobist website/blog is a great place to start learning about using flash. There is a ton of information available from there. The video immediately below if from there.

Large format lenses use leaf shutters which allow you to use flash at all shutter speeds. This allows you to use fill flash even when it is very bright outside and you need/want to use a fast shutter speed.

Nikon AS-15 PC to hotshoe adaptor

Richard Moss

Richard Moss
This guy's work is brilliant. Look at his work. Read the interview in the Press section.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Millenialls project update

New print due Tuesday morning.

Also expect you to have done the readings and research on your generation.

Due by the end of the semester for the exhibit:
2 prints each. Must be on 11x14 paper. White frames and white mat. (I went to the DIA this weekend to see an exhibit titled Detroit Revealed. Very nice show. All the images were framed using white mat and white wood frames.) Can tone if so desired.


Artist statement: Emily and Aria
Publicity: Rachelle
Website: Joe
Postcard: Alyssa, Caitlynn, and ?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


READ This Pew Research article about Millennials. Also read the full report found here. Take the Millennials Quiz.
Watch this video as well.
Perform at least an additional 20 minutes of research on your generation. It will really help you.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Friendly reminder

You have one 'Our Generation' print due first thing Tuesday morning.

Tis' the Secor

I have reserved nearly 100 linear feet of wall space for Photography students at Tis' the Secor. This is an annual event held a the Secor building located at 425 Jefferson Ave in downtown Toledo. They are putting up brand new walls for this show. They have recessed lighting as evidenced by the lower of the two photos below. I am only accepting framed work for this. It is going to be a nice show.

Our space will be in a very large room which will also have a stage. Our walls are either side of the stage. Barb Miner's students will have the part of the room opposite the stage. Tom Lingeman's students will have work on the 6th floor. All the artists in the building that have studios there will also have their studios open.

The Reclaiming Toledo exhibit will be in a different gallery in the same building. Because I don't want to step on any toes, you can't exhibit anything that you submitted for that show or anything on the topic of reclamation. I am firm on this.

I would like you all to submit one piece for this show. This is an exhibition opportunity being handed to you. Take it.

The reception date is set for December 3rd.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

At least one exhibit....CVA Gallery Spring 2012

Hello all,

You guys will be having an exhibit at the beginning of Spring semester at the CVA Gallery. Congrats! I haven't heard back from the ACGT about the Parkwood Gallery yet, so I don't know if it will be the Our Water, Our Waste work of the Our Generation work yet. Either way, you need to bring your A game as all your professors and peers will be looking at this work for weeks.
Anyone have a better name than 'Our Generation'?
The exhibition dates are January 9 - February 12. Tentative Reception dates are January 13 or January 20th.
There is much to be done.
You need to determine how many prints are going to be in show. What size. How they are to be framed.
You need to design postcards. You need to write an artist statement. You need to write press releases. You need to create a FB page. You might want to put up a website.