We are going to have a critique promptly at 9am on Tuesday. This critique will be over your multi print image (your diptych/triptych/quadtych or what have you). For the sake of clarity, let me state that each negative should have its own print. That is to say that you aren't printing multiple negatives to the same piece of paper.
You should have two sets of these images. One that is toned and one that isn't.
There are three toners pre-mixed for your convenience. One is Berg branded Blue, one is Berg branded Sepia, and one is Kodak branded Selenium. I have set the instructions for each next to the respective bottle. Thursday afternoon, I got a Berg branded Copper in but didn't have time to mix it up. If you want to do so, simply follow the instructions. NOTE: Toners are more caustic than the chemicals that you use for processing papers and films. Take the necessary measures to insure that you don't touch them. If you do, wash up right away.
I will not be accepting any late work for this assignment as I have already given you an extension on it. If you don't have the work, then you will receive a Zero.
You should also have shot and processed a negative for the 'Our Generation' theme. We still need a better name for that.
Please bring in your Landscape and Reclamation prints as well so that I can grade them.
Lastly, be sure to put away money for framing as it is likely that you will have to mat and frame at least one print.
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